Starting a journal is a great activity for kids to do, whether they are simply sitting at home or out traveling on a vacation.
Benefits for Children
With a journal, a child is free to express themselves however they want. That sounds great, right? But honestly, most children don’t even know where to start or know what they could write about. This is why I love using journal prompts. It helps a child focus on just one thing to write about and it keeps them from becoming overwhelmed.
I also love how journal prompts are specifically designed to get your child thinking about topics that they probably wouldn’t have thought to write about. Often, prompts will cover topics of self-discovery or subjects that just don’t seem to come up in a casual conversation. With journal prompts, your child will not only feel more confident when writing in a journal, but the prompts will also help guide them to discover more about themselves.
Benefits for Parents
Using journals prompts is also a great way for parents to learn more about their children. (This assumes that your child is willing to share his journal entries with you.) Through journal prompts you can discover your child’s passions, their fears and their goals. You can discover their perception of their strengths, their perception of their weaknesses and where they find joy. All in all, journal prompts allow you to get to know and connect with your child better.
How to use these journal prompts
Below I have listed 75 journal entry prompts that are the ones that my kids and I have enjoyed the most. Some of these prompts can be answered with just a word or two and some will have your child wanting to write a page or more. Just make sure that your child writes down the prompt statement or question on the page with their answer so that they can refer back to it later and know what prompt they were answering. You’ll be amazed at how much you can learn about your child through journal prompts, and your child will be amazed at how much they will learn about themselves!
Happy Journal Writing!!
75 Journal Prompts for Kids
Self- Discovery Journal Prompts for kids
1. Describe your perfect day.
2. What is your favorite memory? What makes it special?
3. Five things I’m good at are …
4. I don’t like it when ….. because…
5. I laugh and smile when …
6. My favorite thing about my family is ….. because ….
7. The thing I wish other people would understand about me is ….
8. I like to imagine/ pretend this when I close my eyes …..
9. When I am doing (this), I lose track of time.
10. I wish someone had told me ….
11. What’s your biggest fear? Why do you think you are afraid of this?
12. My first memory is … How old do you think you were?
13. How do you think you could save the world? What would you do?
14. If I had $100,000, how would I spend it?
15. My favorite memory with my Mom/ Dad is …
16. My favorite memory with my sibling(s) is …
17. Make a list of questions that you would like to know about your grandparents. Leave space to write their answers here.
18. Make a list of questions that you would like to know about your parents. Leave space to write their answers here.
19. Write about what you think you will be doing 20 years from now.
20. What I like most about myself is …… because …
21. What makes me unique?
22. My 3 favorite foods are … My 3 least favorite foods are …
23. My favorite book is …? My favorite book series is …? Some favorite book characters are …?
More Self-Discovery Journal Prompts:
24. I am really interested in …
25. (This) makes me angry.
26. (This) makes me sad.
27. I am not good at (this) …
28. My favorite teacher is … and why?
29. In my free time I like to …
30. What do you like the most about school? What do you like the least?
31. I was proud when …
32. (This) makes me feel better when I’m sad.
33. The strangest dream I ever had was …
34. If I could change one thing about myself, it would be …
35. What is your definition of success?
36. 20 things that make me feel good are …
37. My favorite game to play is?
38. Are you a morning person or a night person? What do you like to do during this time?
39. Can you curl your tongue?
40. Do you prefer to be surrounded by other people or spend time by yourself?
41. Are you afraid of the dark?
42. Do you think you spend too much time on electronics or not? Why?
43. Do you like when it’s hot outside or cold?
44. One item that I can’t live without is …?
45. If you could tell the world one thing, what would it be?
Travel Related Journal Prompts for Kids
Would You Rather Questions?
56. Would you rather go back in time to meet your ancestors or go into the future to meet your grandchildren? Why and list 5 questions you would ask?
57. Would you rather be able to speak 10 foreign languages or talk to animals? What would you do with this extraordinary skill?
58. Would you rather have $500 to spend on yourself or $5,000 to give away? List 10 things you would do with the money.
59. Would you rather be 10 years older or 4 years younger? What would be the best part about changing to this age?
60. Would you rather be able to fly like an eagle or swim like a dolphin? What would you do with this talent?
61. Would you rather be incredibly funny or incredibly smart? Why?
62. Would you rather be a wizard or a super hero?
63. Would you rather be able to control fire or control water? What would you do with this power?
64. Would you rather live 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future?
65. Would you rather travel to every country on Earth or travel to the moon?
Story Journal Prompts for Kids:
66. I woke up one morning and I was only 2 inches tall. ….
67. One day while I was walking through the forest a tree spoke to me. …
68. I just invented a time machine and now I’m off to …
69. I never told anyone, but I have a super power and this is my secret story. …
70. One morning I found a dragon sleeping in my backyard! …
71. On my birthday I received a magic book. You’ll never believe what happened next. ….
72. I just discovered a secret portal in my closet that can transport me to anywhere in the world. …
73. One morning I woke up and I was a dog …
74. My Dad just told me that he’s a wizard …
75. Dear future self, …
I hope you enjoy these journal entry prompts and find them useful for your child’s journal.
Please feel free to share any journal prompt ideas for kids that you love in the comments section below.
We’re always looking for new ideas!